Sunday, September 12, 2010

Subspecies 2 Bloodstone

Yes, I'm back! This time I'm reviewing Subspecies 2: Bloodstone. What comes to my mind is this movie, finally a vampire that isn't a weepy little cry baby like Twilight * Instead, Radu is a bad-ass, evil Nosferatu type vampire that is not a masturbation fantasy for teen-age girls. In fact, Radu kills sensitive "good" vampire from from the first movie in this series early on. The plot is simply and enjoyable. Radu's  fledgling Michelle steals a holy vampire artifact from Radu and his Mummy, and Radu chases Michelle through lush Romanian landscapes.

The film does sag a little in middle, with some slow parts that weren't really necessary, such as Michelle's sister, her boyfriend and professor breaking into Radu's castle only to leave when they're told to.

The characters are sympathetic and believable. Radu does have love in his own twisted and perverse way, while still being wonderfully over the top. Michelle's reaction to her first kill is believable.

Overall, great blast from the past from before vampires went politically correct and "sensitive" and from long before anyone decided vampires should be "vegetarians"

*Yeah, I know linked to Twilight, while calling its characters crybabies, but gotta make money somehow, right?

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